Saturday, December 6, 2014

You Are Loved!

This is just a post for any one out there who is feeling kind of low and/or lonely this holiday season.<3

You are so loved! Each and every day, be thankful that you are still alive, that you can live another day. We take the little things in life for granted, but someday, we will realize the little things in life are the biggest gifts.

Think of your family, think of your friends, think of yourself. You are cared about by so many people.

Self love is crucial, and so many of us do not cultivate it within ourselves. Every inch of you is perfectly unique and special and beautiful. Do you know how much your body does to keep you alive and moving each day? It does so many things to make sure that you are taken care of and that you are safe and functioning and healthy. You should appreciate every inch of you, every perfectly created part of you. Self harm does nothing for your soul or your body. You are not able to reach to the higher self of your being. I truly believe that this is the most important part of any one's life. "You will be longer with yourself than anyone else" and you should love yourself enough for yourself.

Here are somethings just to remember:

*Smile each day, not only will it help you feel better, smiles are contagious.

*Look at yourself every day in the mirror and focus on all the wonderful qualities you possess, not just the superficial ones. It's funny how true the saying "Beauty is only skin deep". Everything on the top layer of your body; your skin, your nails, your hair, etc. is dead. We focus so much on external factors to enhance the "deadness" of our skin, and don't focus on the inner qualities. It's kind of funny, in a sad way. Why are we so focused on masking ourselves when in the end it doesn't matter?

It's not that I'm against makeup or jewelry or pretty clothes. I love it just as the next, and I'm super girly, but I don't agree that makeup should "mask" someone. It should be used to enhance our already beautiful features; female or male. But remember the characteristics you posses: your sweetness, your intelligence, you strength, your sense of self. It's so important that we focus on the inside, so that it will reflect love and beauty on the outside.

*Say affirmations to yourself every day. Start with something as simple as, "I am healthy, happy, and whole." (That was actually my first affirmation ever my mom told me to say once I wake up, through out my day, and once I go to bed.) And you can put whatever words together for your affirmations. What you say, your mind will believe. So instead of putting negative words into your mind and creating negativity inside of yourself; manifest love and light and positivity.

*Remember that were "Thoughts go, Energy flows". Do not allow dark energy to over power your soul. It's good to recognize the dark energy for what it is, but do not allow it to influence you. Yin and Yang.

*I believe that everyone has a soul mate out there, whether it be romantic or not. Never feel that suicide is the only option. You are here to find that soul mate and if you take your life, that person will be left to wander and wonder where you are.

*Your family loves you. Your mother, your father, your siblings, your grandparents, your cousins, your aunts and uncles. They love you indefinitely. You are so important to them, so special, such an important part of their life. You will always have family. They are the people who will always love you at your worst and at your best.




I hope this helped anyone who may need some love and happiness in their life. <3

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."

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